Defence Kidz

Defence Kidz

Duration: 10×10 minutes
Audience: Kids/Family
Genre: Action/Adventure

Bianca, Duck, Reggie, Kale and Andi, five very different young animal kids become fast friends when their military parents are all posted to the remote town of Snakebite Cove. The town is also home to an array of mysteries – random fireballs that light up the bushland at night, a forgotten tunnel network dug by 18th century pirates and a shadowy figure that always seems one step ahead of the kids. Clearly there is something big going on and our young adventurers can’t resist! Calling their group the Defence Kidz, they begin unravelling the mystery of Snakebite Cove, one dangerous secret at a time!

  • Defence_Kidz
  • Defence_Kidz
  • Defence_Kidz